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Adirondack OPEN

August 10th-19th

3,000 lakes and ponds.  30,000 miles of rivers and streams. One awesome excuse to go on a fishing trip for a weekend, the week, or an amazing 10 day spread. The Adirondack Open is our favorite event, and a great excuse to get out to your favorite body of water and catch some fish. 

Adirondack Park.png

Virtual Captains Meeting 8pm  August 9th on Facebook Live. 


First Cast: Friday August 10th 7:00am


Last Cast/upload: Sunday August 19th 9:00pm


Final Captains Meeting August 20th at 8:00pm on facebook live.

Pick your favorite body of water, and go fishing. 

The Adirondack Park is the largest protected park in the contiguous United States, the source of our Club's namesake, and where many of us first learned how to fish.  For this event, we wanted to give everyone flexibility to get out when they could, and go to their favorite Honey Hole within the park.  Every Publicly Accessible lake, river, stream, and puddle in the Adirondack Park's Blue Line is eligible water.  


If your not sure if your favorite spot is within the park, Check out this interactive map. 




Fishing in a tournament is fun and all, but for added incentive, we have some pretty pretty good prizes to give away to our participants:

  • Money.  First, Second, and (if there are more than 15 competitors) 3rd place will receive a cash prize. 

  • Field and Stream Discounts, Gift certificates, and prizes.  Big bass, first, second, and 3rd place all receive a field and stream gift certificate, and everyone who participates in the tournament will also receive exclusive discounts and specials for fishing gear and outdoor apparell. 

  • Knockaround Sunglasses was kind enough to give us a bunch of pairs of awesome pairs of shades.  Biggest bass, smallest bass, we're gonna spread the love. 

Rules and Details

The Basics:

  • Boundaries: Open to the entirety of the Adirondack Park's Publicly accessible waters. 

  • Catch Photo Release Format:  You must release all fish caught and submitted for the tournament, and measured on an approved measuring device (Hawg Trough or Ketch Board.) Event Identifier must be visible in every submission photo, with the fish's mouth closed, touching the bump board on the base of the ruler. 

  •  Launching:  You may launch from any public accessible launch.  You may not utilize any private property to launch your boat unless it is made available to all competitors. 

  • Artificial Lures Only.

  • Notify us of any issues: There is a pretty good amount of flexibility baked into this event, so please make sure you can get to a place with cell phone service before that 9pm Sunday deadline.  If you encounter issues thoughout the week with uploading your fish or have any questions, reach out to us directly at:






Fish any public water within the Adirondack Blueline for a total of 10 full days.  5 Longest fish will determine the winners.  Water must be publicly accessible (pay to launch lakes are fair game) to all fisherman.  Standard KBF rules apply.  All scoring conducted through Tourneyx


Tournament Timeline 


  • August 9, 2018 - 800 pm - Virtual Captains Meeting - Adirondack KBF Facebook Page

  • August 10, 2018 - 630 am - Registration Cut off

  • August 10, 2018 - 7am - First Cast 

  • August 19, 2018 - 9pm - Last Cast 

  • August 20, 2018 - 8pm - Virtual Captains Meeting 


Details of exact boundaries will be posted soon, to clarify things for those looking to fish on the edges. 


General Tournament Info:

  • Multi-day "Online" tournament

    • Tournament “buy-ins” will be accepted until 5:00 am the day of the event

    • Unique Identifiers will be determined at the virtual captains meeting (Thursday 8/09/18 at 8pm)

    • Official KBF Rules will be enforced

    • Catch – Photo – Release procedure

    • will be used to score and present event results

    • The Hawg Trough, Ketch and Yak Attack measuring boards are approved measuring devices.

    • Kayaks, SUP and canoes are the only permitted vessels.

    • Only “Paddle” and “Pedal” kayaks are permitted

    • NO motors permitted*

      • *Special exceptions for disabled anglers will be authorized pending approval from tournament director


  • Launch and Boundary Restrictions:

    • Anglers may use any public boat launch or access area in the Adirondack Park. 

    • Private launches/personal residences launches are not allowed for any angler.

    • “Pay-to-Launch” boat launches are allowed.

    • Boundaries are the Adirondack Park's Blue Line.




  • Tournament Format

    • Catch - Photo - Release (CPR) Format

    • for official rules

    • Five longest fish will determine the winner.

    • Tie-breakers will be determined by specific details of each angler’s catch

    • Tie-breakers will be reviewed and determined by the panel of TD’s

    • All ADK KBF Competitions are conducted using TourneyX®.

    • Each angler who wishes to participate in our event must create a free TourneyX user account before the first day of competition.


    • All submittals after this time will be rejected. 

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